After months of designing and testing, new search filters have been added to people and company search. There are over 20 filters for people search and over 15 filters for company search under the new search interface. Some of the new or upgraded filters/search include zip code (with radius) search, area code search, company name/url search, executive name search, SIC code search, NAICS code search, US metro area search, company ranking search, results only with email filter, etc. The highlights of these search filters include: 

  • Zip code search with radius: 

  • Under this filter, you will be able to search people or company within a radius of 5 to 75 miles of a particular zip code. It's really convenient if you want to look for people in a particular area. Since U.S. zip codes have different dimensions, some zip codes cover over a couple of thousand square miles, it's always good to increase your search radius if you could not find idea results;

  • SIC/NIACS code search: 

  • Under this filter, you will be able to match a SIC/NAICS code with companies in that particular industry or people working at that particular industry; Over half of our companies have SIC or NAICS code, and we are working to classify more companies with proper SIC or NAICS code;

  • Area Code Search:

  • We associated each and every U.S. executive and company with an U.S. area code. You will be able to search people or companies within a particular area code; 

  • Metro Area Search: 

  • We associated most of the US cities/towns with related metro areas. It will be convenient if you want to focus on a particular metro area. A metro area usually includes several cities or towns, and sometimes a metro area may also include several area codes;

  • Text Search:

  • For company name/url search and executive name search, we have optimized our search query. Now the search results will be more relevant than before, since we used a better algorithm to make the results more relevant;  

  • Ranking Search: 

  • You may search people or company according to an organization’s related industry or business rankings. Currently we include Fortune 100, Fortune 500, and Fortune 1000. We expect to include more industry or business ranks in the near future;

  • Position/Title Search:  

  • Currently we include over 130 titles under our job position search. We are working to add more titles, delete some unpopular titles, and getting a better classification according to the job functions in different departments of an organization; Currently about 85% of our executives are associated with a position within these 130+ titles;

  • Management Level Search: 

  • For about 90% of the executives, we associated them with a management level. We will also add this filter to company level soon;

  • Only with Emails: 

  • For those of you that only want contacts with emails, we added this filter to let you get results that only have email addresses. We also increased the frequency of regular checks for the purpose of increasing the accuracy of our email database. 

Data accuracy, User-Friendliness, and Customer Satisfaction are always our priorities. We will make more improvements to achieve that in the coming future. We will also add more filters to our people and company search to let you get more relevant and accurate results for your sales and marketing success.